Unlock Your Future with The College of Performing Arts

Are you considering joining the College of Performing Arts at Denver Liberty University? If so, you're on the path to a future filled with artistic expression and creative performance. Our college is dedicated to Nurturing your artistic talents and inspiring you to become a captivating performer, bringing joy and inspiration to audiences around the world.

Industry-Ready Graduates

At the College of Performing Arts, we inspire you to become a captivating artist and performer. Our programs are designed in conjunction with experienced artists and educators to ensure that you graduate with the artistic talent and stage presence required to bring joy and inspiration to audiences around the world.

Diverse Specializations

At DLU's College of Performing Arts, we believe in the diversity of artistic expression. Our performing arts programs offer a multitude of specializations, whether your passion is in theater, music, dance, or technical production. We empower you to follow your artistic calling and specialize in the area that aligns with your creative aspirations, allowing you to carve your own path in the world of performing arts.

Internships & Co-Op Opportunities

At DLU's College of Performing Arts, we know that practical experience is essential for becoming a captivating artist. Our performing arts programs provide Numerous internship and co-op opportunities, allowing you to work with experienced performers and educators, refine your skills, and make a positive impact on the world through your artistry. Join us to explore uncharted territory in the world of performing arts and inspire audiences with your creative talents.